Monday, May 01, 2006
HEY HEY. okay. i'm SUPER bored. totally stuck at home now. SIAN. was studying in the morning den now no mood study lerhs. dunno why sia. hais. too boring liaos. wanted to go for the church carnival thingy, budden mummie dun allow!!! ): so end up stuck lor. and using the comp. yeah. how boring canlabour day get? cant really do anything de lor. everyone will be stuck at home doing NOTHING. except those who are at the carnival! humphf. THEY are enjoying themselves while i'm SUFFERING at home lor. sian sian sian!!!! can sumone think of a remedy to save me from all these boredom besides ME studying like a maniac. i study so hard to get A1 den my mum get happy. she see me study can liao. use less phone and comp, she oso happy. like she say, " if you spend all those time using the comp and sms-ing to studying, u sure score better." and what's wad she said oso to ask me to improve my eye sight. " if you spend all those time using the comp and sms-ing to look at the greens(trees), ur eye sight sure to improve"...BLAH BLAH! hurhur. and my stupid ass bro is such A PAIN! asshole sia he. wish i didnt hv HIM as a bro. such an ass. onli noe how to irritate and get me into trouble ALL DAY LONG. treat him so nice for wad. and he does dat to me. he can go and die la, as if i'll care! onli noe how to complain all day to my mum dat i use comp and sms. WTH la?!he just sucks.
in the name of love.
1:03 PM